NADCC-Chlor (NaDCC tablet) supplier in India and Middle East. This chloro tablet is a broad spectrum fast acting sanitizer and water sterilizer, rapidly effective against BACTERIA, VIRUSES, FUNGI and PROTOZOA. Total spectrum of activity i.e. effective against hydro hypophilic viruses, gram positive & gram negative bacteria, fungi mould, yeast, mycoplasmas & protozoa.
- RECOMMENDED by leading infection control experts worldwide.
- EFFECTIVE against virtually all known
bacteria, viruses and spores.
- SAFE to handle and store.
- COMPACT storage and transport reducing transport costs.
- ECONOMIC AND ACCURATE - no under or over dosing.
- GREATER BIOCIDAL EFFECT-Rapid release of HOCl encouraging fast biocidal activity forming clear disinfecting solution.
alternative disinfectants.
- FAST DISSOLVING and ready to use quickly.
- STABLE tablets with 3 years shelf life.
- Available in a wide selection of tablet
- RESISTANT to organic spoilage.
- For fast treatment of water for:
* Emergency and Disaster
* Travel and Camping
* Household
* Peace Keeping/Defence Forces
* Marine Application
* Disinfection of Water System
* Municipal Water supplies